De lieve groene stad

the sweet green city



For this project, we were tasked to create a website for a sustainable initiative within Amsterdam.

We had to create a logo for the cause and present the information surrounding it in an appealing way, to raise awareness for the initiative.

I chose the second-hand bookstore “Books 4 Life”, which exist across the Netherlands and is also situated in the center of Amsterdam


Frontend Development, UI design

Programs and skills used:

HTML, CSS, Figma

Go to site New NewTab
sweet green city website


I made this website during the first year of my studies, in which I had just learned coding for the very first time and was also new to the concept of making websites.

For this website, we did not only have to write the code but also make a design, based off of the context and vibe of the initiative we were representing. I am quite happy with the book theme I chose and how it turned out.

As this was only a project in the beginning of my studies, we had not yet learned about responsiveness and coding for different devices, so this website is very static and bound to the iPhone format we were told to use. So layout-wise, I would change quite a few things if I had to make this website again.