Motion Graphic



This was another school project, in which we were told to choose a song from a "jazz playlist" on spotify, and make a motion graphic for it.

I chose the song "Funky Funeral" by "Sirocco" and chose the word energetic to base my motion graphic on.

The design was made after a series of visual research and sketching, and the final video was made in Adobe After Effects.


Visual Designer

Programs and skills used:

After Effects




Working with animation was new to me before this project, so before starting this, I was actually not looking forward to this because I did not know where to begin

I did however, through this project, teach myself Adobe After Effects and actually enjoyed it a lot. And I also realized that animation is really fun and that when I started, I suddenly had hundreds of ideas that I wanted to put in my project.

We only had 2 weeks to finish the motion graphic, so I still did less than I had initially planned, but am still happy with what I could come up with during the given time. I would love to take on bigger projects than this in the future and learn more about motion graphics in combination with music.